Monday, November 10, 2008

Not Me Monday!

It was not me who turned down a sub job this morning because I was up late doing homework last night.

It is not me who is still in my PJs and I definitely do not need a shower.

It was not me who slept through my husband's phone call to me this morning.

It is not me who has laundry sitting in my basement needing to be carried upstairs to be put away. (Although in my defense I can't carry anything like that because of my knee).

It was not me who had a piece of cinnamon streusal for breakfast and is soon going to have a piece of cake for desert for lunch.


J said...

Sounds like a perfect day to me... : D

Abby said...

I wish I were at home today!! p.s I finally found your ornaments and will be mailing them tomorrow! I haven't forgotten about you!! I have returned 3 sets of ornaments after deeming them not "neat" enough for you!!

About me said...

Sounds like a good Monday to me! Def. my kinda day;-) Hey you still have tuesday- Friday...

Vintage Gal Marialena said...

I look forward to NOT ME Mondays every week!

J said...

Check out my blog, I left you something ; )

ThoughtsON said...

You've been tagged! Enjoy making your list :)