Friday, June 21, 2013

38 weeks... will it be soon?

We have been wearing out the sidewalks around our neighborhood walking, trying to get this baby out! :) I feel pretty good most of the time, with lots of pressure or contractions here and there other times. Sunday was interesting and I was sure I was going into labor, but then after about 2 hours of contractions, it all stopped. Bummer! Jeff is predicting I will go into labor this weekend. It could happen! I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and the doctor checked me. I am 1cm dilated, 50% effaced, and -1 station. Of course, my mom so nicely reminded me that she was 2cm dilated with my brother for 3 weeks. Sigh... BUT the doctor felt pretty optimistic and sent my info over to labor hall already. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Thursday. My doctor told me they won't let me go past 41 weeks, which I am thankful for. So either way, 2 1/2-ish weeks from now I will be holding my munchkin! My birthday is July 11th, which is exactly 41 weeks, so I am hoping I go earlier than that because I really want baby to have his or her own birthday. There is a full moon on Sunday... maybe baby then? :) We'll see! I'll do my best to be patient!

How far along: 38 weeks 
Total weight gain: Maybe around 20 lbs
Maternity clothes: Always... and the looser the better when I am at home. 
Sleep: Not the best. My insomnia comment from last week came to bite me in the butt... I can't seem to get a deep sleep. When I wake up to pee, or turn over, I am wide awake and then it takes a while to fall back asleep. There also isn't a time of night I don't have to pee. 
Best moment of this week: Hearing my dr say she thinks I may be close and that she was sending my stuff to labor hall!
Miss anything: Wine and running for sure! And my body...
Movement: Definitely
Food cravings: Fruit, coke slushies
Anything making you queasy or sick: I am noticing my aversions starting to disappear. I actually ate 3 oz of steak yesterday!
Gender: Didn't find out! It will be a surprise!
Labor signs: crampiness, back aching, contractions here and there, lots of pressure, and at the doctor's I was 1cm dilated, 50% effaced, and -1 station!
Belly button in or out: At this point I think it will stay in. It pops out a bit when I sit, but when I am standing it is in and not coming out. 
Wedding rings on or off: On... ALTHOUGH I did have an evening that I had to take them off because my hands were a tad bit swollen, but since then have gone back down. I am so thankful I am not swollen! I have friends who have had a terrible time with this!
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy, but definitely notice that I am getting moodier towards people and my personal space. I hate when I am in line and someone has to be pretty close to me. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So close! I'm like your mom. I was 2cm with Rowan for a month :). I don't think that matters. I have heard of people whose water broke and they weren't even dilated. I think it will be this weekend, too!!