Saturday, June 29, 2013

39 weeks... still pregnant!

I went to the doctor's on Thursday and there was no progress from last week. BUMMER! At least I know there will be no more than 2 weeks until baby is born (from the time I was 39 weeks... so at this point no more than 1 1/2 weeks!). I did get to see the baby in an ultrasound and my mom got to go and see baby too. :) It was neat to have her see her first ultrasound experience, and of course I loved seeing my munchkin! I was able to get another video of the ultrasound too (I have one from my 22 week ultrasound too), which will be so neat to show this baby someday when he or she is older. One really good thing from the ultrasound, too, is that baby is only about 6 1/2 pounds and shouldn't be more than 7 1/2 lbs when born. YAY! I was a small baby and Jeff was a BIG baby, so I was nervous about having a big baby. If I make it to my next appointment, I will be having another ultrasound to check the fluid, a non-stress test, and another internal. I will also probably set my induction date since my dr's office doesn't let anyone go past 41 weeks. I really want this baby to have his or her own birthday, and my birthday is exactly 41 weeks, so I am going to hopefully be able to set an induction date for a few days before 41 weeks.

I thought FOR SURE I was going into labor yesterday. I had some serious back pain and crazy pressure, but by the end of the day I was sitting and feeling OK and today I feel much better than yesterday. I even was able to get on my hands and knees to scrub the kitchen floor (one of the things that was suggested to me by friends to help me go into labor. We will see if that works! Believe me... I've tried so much at this point!).

I am CONVINCED that this baby takes after his or her father because Jeffery is so laid back and content and not worried about when he arrives, and I am the one who has to be everywhere early. I was even on time when my mom had me (well one day late, but she went into labor the night of July 10th while in bed, which was my due date, and I was born July 11th). Baby will get here on his or her own time! I am just DYING to know if baby is a BOY or a GIRL and who baby looks like, what color hair baby has, etc.

OK- questions-

How far along: 39 (and 1/2, but not in the picture) weeks 
Total weight gain: Maybe around 20 lbs
Maternity clothes: Always... and the looser (or in this heat, the LESSER!) the better when I am at home. 
Sleep: Meh... I toss and turn all night. I really miss sleeping on my stomach! 
Best moment of this week: Seeing baby in the ultrasound
Miss anything: Wine and running for sure! And my body...
Movement: Definitely
Food cravings: Fruit, coke slushies
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anymore! YAY! 
Gender: Didn't find out! It will be a surprise!
Labor signs: crampiness, back aching, contractions here and there, lots of pressure, and at the doctor's I was 1cm dilated, 50% effaced, and -1 station! (same)
Belly button in or out: At this point I think it will stay in. It pops out a bit when I sit, but when I am standing it is in and not coming out. 
Wedding rings on or off: On :)
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy, but definitely notice that I am getting moodier towards people and my personal space.

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