Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ugh Puppies!

The puppies have been driving me CRAZY today! It hasn't helped that the last four days we have had nothing but rain, so they can't be outside playing and running out their energy, and we can't even take them for walks without getting SOAKED. It looks like it won't rain for the next few days so hopefully the ground will dry out so they can play in the yard, but they WILL be going on walks. Today they have been fighting with each other all day, they are into everything, they jumped against the gate keeping them away from the stairs and scratched the wall, but the kicker was what I discovered as I was cooking dinner, just as my brother-in-law called. I thought they were licking the floor, like they strangely like to do. Nope! Instead they were having an appetizer to their dinner! They were pulling up and chewing on the floor in the kitchen! Gee whiz!!! We hate the floor and are going to be replacing it when we renovate our kitchen, but it needs to last us until we get the kitchen done. I guess they decided to help with the destruction process. Can't blame them though... it is ugly floor! Haha

Somewhere near our neighborhood someone was setting off fireworks tonight. We live near the semi-pro baseball stadium, so it could have been there. Anyway, the puppies heard the fireworks and were FLIPPING OUT. They were barking like CRAZY! Maggie was scared to death. She came to hide over near me and kept climbing on the heater behind the couch and running around all over the house with her tail between her legs. Poor thing was so scared. She is laying here next to me drooling, which she doesn't do so you can tell she is definitely nervous and stressed out. Poor thing. Good the fireworks stopped! She should settle down now.

Of course, she is laying next to me and of course while she is doing this she has AWFUL gas! I am going to suffocate sitting here! I don't have the heart to move her because she was so scared and she finally started to settle, but come on! This is awful!

Either way I hope they sleep through the night tonight because they made me SO TIRED!

Jeffery got them a soccerball the other day. (What else would he get them? He was a soccer player!) This is what is left of it:
Oh, and all the little specks on the floor? Yea, those are piece of the soccer ball. And I had just vacuumed the night before. I vacuumed again today and it is better, but mainly because we took the soccer squish (it really can no longer be called a ball. It doesn't resemble one at all) away from them.

Oh well. In all my frustration with them today they are still awesome and so full of love and fun to have! I was trying to wear off some of their energy by playing ball with them and I would throw the ball and normally they would bring it back to me. Well, today they were instead fighting every time they got to the ball. I kept saying "get your ball!". Well, instead they came, sat down in front of me and gave me their paw. Both of them. Crazy dogs, haha. I had to laugh. It was so funny that they both did it at the same time!

They are worth the frustration for sure. You have to laugh, even when they are being frustrating. :)

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