Getting closer and closer (and bigger and bigger!)! I can't believe I am all but 9 months pregnant already. I have 4 days left of school, and once inservice day next week that I'd really like to go to, and after that I am ready to go! (Though my due date is still 4ish weeks off) I have a lot to do in school to finish the year, but I do have to say it is so nice packing up MY classroom for it to be cleaned this summer (last year I packed up my old room and left it, not knowing IF I would have another place to go... and a few short months later I had a permanent position in the district!), knowing that I will be back to unpack it! I am taking the first month off of school, so it is important to me that I set it up the way I want it instead of have my sub set it up their way for a month and then have me come in and change it for me for the rest of the year. The consistency for the kids is so important to me. So once I get done with this week especially, I will be in baby mode! I can't wait!
We had a baby appointment on Thursday, which went well. Jeff came with me. :) I told him he doesn't have to come to my next one because it is internal (although in a few weeks that little exam will be NOTHING compared to what I'll be doing!).
How far along: 35 weeks (and then some)
Total weight gain: Maybe around 20 lbs... they didn't tell me
Maternity clothes: Always... and the looser the better when I am at home.
Sleep: (Same as last week) Still good, but I find myself laying only on one side and then waking up uncomfortable and having to turn, which of course wakes my bladder up so I have to get up and pee and then I lay back on the other side. Otherwise, sleep is my friend.
Best moment of this week: Hearing the beautiful heartbeat at my appointment
Miss anything: Wine and running for sure! And my body...
Movement: Definitely
Food cravings: Fruit, coke slushies
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still red meat
Gender: Didn't find out! It will be a surprise!
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks contractions, and I had one or two regular contractions a few days ago, but nothing more.
Belly button in or out: In for not much longer, it is starting to pop out when I am laying down or when baby is positioned near it.
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy, but definitely notice that I am getting moodier towards people.
Looking forward to: How far along: 34 weeks (and then some)
Total weight gain: More than 17 lbs, but I don't know how much more. I have an appt on Thursday, so I may find out then... but I hate finding that number out!
Maternity clothes: Always... and the looser the better when I am at home.
Sleep: Still good, but I find myself laying only on one side and then waking up uncomfortable and having to turn, which of course wakes my bladder up so I have to get up and pee and then I lay back on the other side. Otherwise, sleep is my friend.
Best moment of this week: The random act of kindness gift, finishing our nursery, and finishing our baby classes!
Miss anything: Wine and running for sure!
Movement: Definitely
Food cravings: Fruit, coke slushies
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still red meat
Gender: Didn't find out! It will be a surprise!
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks contractions, but otherwise nothing else! I need 2 more weeks to finish the school year and then it can happen whenever.
Belly button in or out: In for not much longer, it is starting to pop out when I am laying down or when baby is positioned near it.
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy, but definitely notice that I am getting moodier towards people.
Looking forward to: Getting the glider set up, seeing how everything is progressing at my appointment Friday, finishing the school year on Thursday