Saturday, May 3, 2008

Goodbye Spring Semester! Hello Grey Hair!

As of 5 minutes ago I've completed my first semester of grad school. I am actually a little sad to be finished with one of my courses because it really was a great course and I got A LOT out of it. I really enjoyed it. Now I have a week break until my awful May starts. But it won't be an easy week. I have a meeting Monday after work, an interview for a summer job with Extended School Year on Tuesday, and a dr's appointment on Thursday. Sometime in there I also need to get most of this apartment packed up, and head to Millersville to buy my books for the start of summer session 1 (aka summer session from hell).

Today Jeff and I went to Lowe's to buy all of our supplies needed for next Saturday. We, along with 7 other people, will be at our new house (although it isn't ours yet) to do all of the required work that FHA told us needed to be done before settlement. I am REALLY PRAYING we don't have bad weather! Our rain date/any work that we didn't finish date is May 17th. A part of me can't help but be bitter that we have to do the work on the house because the seller's weren't prepared when they went out to look for houses and couldn't get a mortgage. They now have a mortgage, but we still have to do the work. Argh. Oh well... it will be a learning experience I guess. I am trying to look at the bright side, although I would LOVE to give them a glimpse into what they are doing to me by not doing this work. I am EXTREMELY stressed right now. Between summer session from hell, packing to move, working, and the work we have to do on the house, I think I will be getting a few grey hairs. No, seriously... I really did find a grey hair on my head the other day. I wanted to cry. I guess I can say thank goodness for hair dye because sooner or later it will come to my rescue. Jeffery already has a bunch of white hair on his head, which he says he gets from me, haha. But anyway, I am very thankful for everyone that is helping us out with the work we need to do on the house and with this move!!!

Here's a joke for you that a coworker told me. We can all relate!: A man wanted to take his wife out for dinner. He gave her the choice of where she wanted to go. She said to him "I don't care, but I want to go somewhere expensive", so he took her to the gas station.

Well... I am off to pack a never ending flow of boxes. June 7th can't come soon enough!

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