Anna is 3 months old! Where is the time going! My big girl is so sweet! We are enjoying every second with her.

We don't have any height or weight info on her because her next dr appt isn't until she is 4 months old. She is such a joy though! She is happy and she LOVES to talk! She ALMOST rolls over now, and has the most beautiful laugh in the world! The other day I was making a bottle for her and thought I heard her crying. I ran into the living room to help her and she was laughing at the dogs. It was so cute!
I went back to work last week. Tuesday, my first day back, was the hardest day in my entire life. It has gotten more bearable since then. I really love teaching and I have a great class this year and do teach for a great district. I see myself teaching when Anna is older... I just wish there was a way for me to stay home with her right now. There isn't, so I am doing the best I can to be there for her every second I am with her. Her daycare is amazing. The teacher in her room is just wonderful with all of the babies and has been so great! I am so glad we switched to them! We get artwork that they make with her. We got a handprint tree on her first day. Today we got a book about her. It is so precious!
Here are a few cute pictures of my little lady:

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